… As you have been told, “Do the ordinary in an extraordinary way.” Let us add “with extraordinary attitude towards it.” The attitude changes the action little, but greatly affects the results. For true change in attitude reflects understanding; understanding whose origin comes from high consciousness and learning – greater understanding of the Laws. You are not here to overcome these Laws, but to live them. There is great power in this when you fully understand its implications. No more lack, within or without for all is embodied within and available without. Learn the Law, honor and live in harmony with it. Your life will change.
To learn the Law? Read and contemplate. Live and examine what the truth is that lies behind the actions Be ever aware and mindful of the multitude of lessons before you each day – not to overwhelm you, but to be taken as examples of lessons of the Law. You are always given them and have missed many to little consequence. As your understanding grows, so does your awareness of the lessons and the more subtle meanings behind many of them. You are in a classroom perfectly designed and well-tested. The lessons are simple with meanings on many levels. The student recognizes only that to which he/she has attained.
This is your time to experiment with the within being reflected without. It always has been and will be with or without your recognition of it. Now is your time to fully live within this Law and come to full understanding of it. Yes, living with joy is an excellent place to start.