It is truly a dawn anew. This time in humanity’s history is a time of great change – great shaking up beliefs and cultural stagnation. It is a time when organizations and people are being shaken to the core. All that is around them is falling away, so their lives and cultural mores can be rebuilt – rebuilt in the light of humanity’s divinity.
Understand that as people’s foundations are being shaken, there are the remnants of belief that come in and provide stories: stories of a punishing God, or someone Deserving hardship, or that God has abandoned them. You and others who see the larger picture can help these people. It is difficult for someone who is going through a tragedy to embrace the larger picture right away. That is not their way of thinking. But it is through holding their hand through the difficulty and helping them maintain a positive outlook, (an outlook for some that may be survival, keeping themselves alive, counting what blessings there may be in it, to reaffirming beliefs from which they may have stayed), they are able embrace change. It is a pattern that is individual for each person and yet has universal stages. Each needs to be met with patience, unconditional love, and an open heart – an openness that is tangible to each individual.