Life has purpose

Message from Ascended Master, El Morya.

It is a dawn anew. I am here to remind each of you that your lives have purpose. You are not here by accident. You are not here because of some biological amalgamation. You are much more than that. You are eternal divine beings, with purpose! With purpose! Know this about yourself. Each of you has purpose.

I don’t want to hear “I’m old.” “I’m too young.” You are not old or young, you are eternal. “I have this responsibility.” – No. “I have this insecurity.” – Now we are getting somewhere. Now we are getting to a thread that may be holding you back. This is not an obstacle; this is a thread. You know that big circus elephants are held in place by a tiny rope into a tiny post in the ground. When they are young, they are placed in that situation; they pull and pull and say, “I cannot get out of here. I am stuck.” Every time the circus worker puts that rope around the elephant’s leg, he thinks, “I am stuck. I am stuck.” And it is nothing but a thread to that elephant, that adult elephant; except in that elephant’s mind, it is this big obstacle that he cannot overcome.

So, these stories you have made up about yourself, “I am not worthy.” “I cannot do that.” “I am afraid.” “I have fears.” “I have history to really shore up my fears. They are real, folks. My fears are real!” Yes, they are. In your mind, they are real. Just as real to you as that tiny rope is to the huge elephant. It is real! There have been elephants die in fires because they felt there were stuck. That is the power of the mind. So, do you say, “I want to get rid of my mind.” No, you do not. It is part of this instrument that you have cultivated to what you want to do; what you promised yourself to do in this lifetime, the life you promised yourself.

Think about what I have said. Write down all of those reasons why you cannot live your full life. Write down all of those reasons why you cannot be joyful. Write down all of those reasons why you blame someone else. Write them down so you can see that these are the threads that have been intertwined to form the rope that keeps you from living who you truly are.

I shall repeat what has been said many times: Spirit, as it expresses through the physical, expresses as unconditional love (no strings attached. No, “I did this, so you need to do that”), compassion  (Compassion is not pity, it is non-judgment) and joyfulness. Joyfulness is part of the expression of Spirit. Embrace all of these. Embrace who you are. And you will unpin yourself from the rope that holds you to the stake of unhappiness.


I bid you peace.

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